BIOMOD 2023 Winners

Year: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020-2022 (Japan Open) 2023 2024

BIOMOD Tokyo Tech 2023

Grand Prize — Total Combined Score

Audience Favorite

  1. XMU-Bionova - Xiamen University
  2. (tie) Team NoKo - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology & Team Sendai - Tohoku University
  3. USYD UFOLD - University of Sydney

Best Project Website

  1. Team Sendai - Tohoku University
  2. YOKABIO - Kyushu Institute of Technology
  3. USYD UFOLD - University of Sydney

Best YouTube Video

  1. USYD UFOLD - University of Sydney
  2. Team Kansai - Kansai University
  3. XMU-Bionova - Xiamen University

Best Presentation

  1. Team Sendai - Tohoku University
  2. XMU-Bionova - Xiamen University
  3. USYD UFOLD - University of Sydney

Molecular Robotics Award

  • YOKABIO - Kyushu Institute of Technology

Best ELSI Practice Award

  • XMU-Bionova - Xiamen University

Best T-shirt Award

  • UBC BIOMOD - University of British Columbia

Project Awards


  • Cargo Code-Breakers - Arizona State University
  • Team Kansai - Kansai University
  • BIOMOD QUERÉTARO - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  • Team Tokyo Tech - Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Team SeaSon - Ocean University of China
  • Tokyo Alliance - Tokyo University of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, Waseda University


  • UBC BIOMOD - University of British Columbia
  • FUNDNA - University of Kentucky ECE
  • Team NoKo - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Nano-JLU - Jilin University


  • Team Sendai - Tohoku University
  • XMU-Bionova - Xiamen University
  • USYD UFOLD - University of Sydney
  • YOKABIO - Kyushu Institute of Technology

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