Website instructions
04 Aug 2018
All current information is available in the BIOMOD Handbook, which is free for all BIOMOD participants. The website instructions can be found in Chapter 1, and are reproduced below.
Once your site is set up, please remember to enter the URL on your team profile page on the BIOMOD 2017 portal site so judges can find it.
How to Create A Website
There are many options to set up a website, including Weebly, Wordpress, GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages.
Weebly, and Wordpress are both great options for building your team website, especially if your team does not have experience with web design. Advanced users will prefer more customizable alternatives below.
GitHub Pages was introduced as a website option for BIOMOD in 2014. It is free, and supports the Jekyll static-site generator, or hard-coded HTML sites. Users who have experience with git source code management may prefer this option. We find that GitHub Desktop can be useful for managing file synchronization.
GitLab Pages is a similar alternative to GitHub Pages. It allows the greatest flexibility in that any major static-site generator can be used, such as Hugo, Pelican, or Jekyll. GitLab also offers free private git repositories.
On a historical note, early BIOMOD teams used OpenWetWare, which runs on the same software that powers Wikipedia. This is why you may see references to the team “Wiki” — that just refers to the team website. OpenWetWare is a fantastic community resource and houses lots of synthetic biology knowledge from its use by iGEM teams and research groups for open lab notebooks. However, it is showing its age from a web-design perspective, and most teams prefer more modern alternatives.