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BIOMOD 2024 Jamboree Registration Opens Aug. 15

15 Aug 2024

Jamboree Registration

Jamboree registration website is now online!

Jamboree Registration (Peatix): https://biomod2024-jamboree.peatix.com

  • On-site attendee: 10,000 JPY per person (approx. 70 USD) (Aug.15 - Sep. 15)
  • Online attendee: Free (Aug. 15 - Oct. 31)

Please visit the Peatix website for detailed information about the venue and access.

Team Project Abstract Submission Form

Google Forms

Submission deadline: 2024/09/15 23:59

Please submit one abstract per team. The abstract PDF will be included in the Jamboree Quick Guide, and the text will be published on the BIOMOD website.

Upcoming schedule

  • Aug. 15 - Sep. 15: Individual Jamboree registration for on-site attendee
  • Sep. 15: Team abstract submission deadline
  • Aug. 15 - Oct. 31: Individual Jamboree registration for online attendee
  • Nov. 15: Website/YouTube freeze
  • Nov. 21: Jamboree check-in and rehearsal
  • Nov. 22-23: Jamboree (on-site in Kita-kyushu, Japan, and online via Zoom)

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