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BIOMOD 2023 Jamboree Registration Opens Aug. 15

14 Aug 2023

Jamboree registration and project abstract submission for BIOMOD 2023 starts Aug. 15! We reduced this year’s jamboree attendance fee:

  • On-site: 5,000 JPY (approx. 35 USD) per attendee
  • Online: Free

We hope this pricing will encourage many participants to join the jamboree on-site in Tokyo this year. Please follow the link below for the registration. Note that registrations are only considered complete when payment is received, and a confirmation email is sent.

Jamboree Registration & Abstract Submission Links

Upcoming Schedule

  • Aug. 15 - Sep. 15: Jamboree registration
  • Sep. 15: Team project abstract deadline
  • Oct. 28: Website/Youtube freeze
  • Nov. 4-5: Jamboree (on-site (Tokyo, Japan) and online (Zoom))


Please feel free to contact info@biomod.jp (Steering Committee) for any questions, including visa issues.

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